"It's so much easier to suggest solutions when you don't know too much about the problem." Malcolm Forbes

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Play With The Kids Outside....

Part of my cultural heritage is Maltese, and I remember being at the Maltese club in Queens for practically every holiday and family party - and one of the things I vividly remember are the men playing Bocce Ball in the backyard. When the men were done playing, the kids (including myself) took a shot at rolling these balls into one another. I had no idea what Bocce Ball was, but I was fascinated with rolling them into one another.

It's rare that you see these types of traditions being played anymore, everyone now is hooked up to one "Nintendo" like system or another. I say let's bring back family traditions, or make new ones of your own with Bocce Ball by Smith & Hawken! Hey, might be a great alternative instead of getting a basketball hoop...

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